Chinese robot clones pigs with no human help
A robot that automates a common technique for animal cloning has been used to produce a litter of pigs in China.
AI can now understand animal behavior 
Animal behavior researchers can now turn the task of analyzing footage over to an open-source algorithm that can spot even subtle actions.
“Muscle shirt” increases arm endurance by more than 200% 
The Myoshirt acts like “wearable muscles,” using sensors and AI to help people with upper-limb impairments move their arms.
Graphene sensor could let you control robots with your mind
The “wonder material” graphene has been used to develop a dry sensor that could enable anyone to control technology with their minds.
Engineers build LEGO-like artificial intelligence chip 
Engineers have created an AI chip with alternating layers of sensing and processing elements that can communicate with each other.
Google Maps’ “Immersive View” shows cities in a whole new way
Combining satellite and Street View images, Google Maps’ “immersive view” will let you explore select neighborhoods soon.
MIT’s new ultrasound sticker lets you see inside your body
MIT researchers have created an ultrasound sticker that can continuously monitor a person’s organs and tissues for up to 48 hours.
It’s hard to give AI common sense, but we’re making progress
There's still no telling whether machine-learned common sense is five years away, or 50.
World’s first 3D-printed rocket launches at Cape Canaveral
Relativity Space has just launched the world’s first 3D-printed rocket, Terran 1, but the flight didn’t go exactly as hoped.
Zapping the brain during sleep helps memories form
Brain stimulation during sleep appears to help with memory consolidation, suggesting a new way to treat people with memory disorders.
Using AI to help save wine from wildfires
California startup Tastry is using its wine “tasting” AI to help save wines impacted by wildfire smoke.
Digital technology can cut global emissions by 15%. Here’s how.
The grand challenge for humanity is to ensure that groundbreaking technologies have a clear purpose for our planet.
Facial recognition ID’s missing kids with 99.85% accuracy 
In partnership with Clearview AI
This tech is identifying missing children in minutes, not weeks.
Your smartphone may become a thermometer
Researchers at the University of Washington are developing an app that can turn the ubiquitous smartphone into an accurate thermometer.
This device can automatically detect and reverse opioid overdoses
Researchers at the University of Washington have developed an AI-powered wearable to detect, and reverse via naloxone injection, opioid overdoses.
Apple Vision Pro wasn’t the only major announcement at WWDC23
On Day 1 of WWDC23, Apple announced three new Macs, several new operating systems, and the world’s most powerful personal computer chip.
Can digital twins solve our supply chain problems?
Supply chains around the world are feeling the strain of COVID-19. Are AI-powered, highly detailed “digital twins” the key to a smoother future?
Startup unveils flying taxis expected to soar over NYC in 2025
Startup Archer Aviation has just unveiled Midnight, its first electric vertical take off and landing (eVTOL) vehicle.
DeepMind’s virtual playground suggests path to general AI
DeepMind’s virtual playground, XLand, could help create general AI by overcoming the problem of insufficient training data.
AI is helping cars spot potholes 
Researchers have developed an AI system that allows cars to spot potholes.
These are the next big breakthroughs in medicine
In partnership with Intuitive
These companies are working to change the future of health care.
Could 3D printing help solve the US housing crisis?
3D printing could help solve the nation’s housing crisis, as it's cheaper, faster, and more sustainable than conventional construction methods.
What do 85,000 volcanoes look like? Check out a comprehensive map of Venus and see.
Using decades-old data, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have created a comprehensive Venus volcano map.
The Singularity: When will we all become super-humans? 
Are we really only a moment away from "The Singularity," a technological epoch that will usher in a new era in human evolution?
A neural network discovered Copernicus’ heliocentricity on its own
Scientists trained a neural network to predict the movements of Mars and the Sun, which placed the Sun at the center of our solar system.
Farming robot kills 200,000 weeds per hour with lasers 
Carbon Robotics’ LaserWeeder is a smart farming robot that identifies weeds and then kills them using high-power lasers.
AI reveals that the Sahara actually has 1.8 billion trees and shrubs
AI analysis of satellite images sees trees and shrubs where human eyes can't.
Large language models are biased. Can logic help save them?
MIT researchers trained logic-aware language models to reduce harmful stereotypes like gender and racial biases.
What’s so wrong about sexbots? 
These sexbots remember that you are 32 years old, and you like sushi, except on Thursdays — and they can teach us a lot about coexisting with AI.
AI avatars bring deepfakes to the business world
A financial consulting firm has created AI avatars of its staff that can be used to quickly create deepfakes for presentations and more.
Quantum computer designs heat-radiating window coating
Notre Dame researchers have used quantum computing to design a transparent window coating that reflects heat into the atmosphere.
Series| Hard Reset
Can these tiny satellites democratize government secrets? 
These tiny satellites uncover daily images of climate change, Chinese labor camps, and hidden government areas - and make them publicly available.
Where are the universal coronavirus vaccines?
Universal coronavirus vaccines that protect against all known variants of COVID-19 — and ones that don't exist yet — are closer than ever.
New AI “engines” can read and understand on multiple levels
Primer’s new AI tools are expert readers, capable of analyzing long bodies of text far faster — and more accurately — than humans can.
From robotic dogs to magnetic slime: 6 ways robots are helping humans 
Robots are helping humans in a growing number of places - from archaeological sites to disaster zones to sewers.
Can AI negotiate? Walmart is betting on it
AI startup Pactum is trying to save big companies millions with AI negotiation.
MIT’s new algorithm for self-driving cars is open-source 
MIT scientists unveil the first open-source simulation engine capable of constructing realistic environments for autonomous vehicles.
Science fiction books that predicted the future with terrifying accuracy
Science fiction writers have anticipated a variety of modern inventions, from cars to organ transplants. Some books barely seem like fiction.
This robotics lab wants to develop the dream surgery
Chicago’s Surgical Innovation Training Lab is developing the robots, surgeons, and digital surgeries of the future.
Can AI cameras predict suicide attempts at bridges?
Seoul is deploying an AI-powered camera system designed to predict suicide attempts at bridges and send rescuers to help people in distress.
These robotic suits supercharge human workers 
This new wearable robotic suit from German Bionic, can boost human strength, and it is powered by artificial intelligence
Computer-designed miniproteins unleash a whole new kind of drugs 
Using a computer program, researchers have created miniproteins that they hope can lead to new drugs.
Speech impairments aren’t a problem for Google’s new voice app
Google’s Project Relate app makes it easier for people with speech impairments to communicate and use speech-recognition tech.
A new device can make drinking water from seawater at the push of a button
A new portable unit from MIT researchers could make it much easier to remove salt from water to create drinking water.
New epilepsy treatment could stop seizures in their tracks
A new epilepsy treatment that's delivered as a nasal spray may be able to prevent seizures or even interrupt them.
Robotic exoskeleton gives prosthetic legs a power boost
University of Utah engineers have built a robotic exoskeleton that gives people with prosthetic legs a power boost that makes walking easier.
Lasers reveal hundreds of Mayan and Olmec ceremonial centers
Archaeologists are hunting for — and finding — previously hidden ancient structures in lidar data collected by planes and drones.
Large study of 20,000 cats and dogs could help pets live longer 
Mars Petcare has announced the opening of a massive biobank to study aging and pet diseases.
Liverpool and DeepMind are bringing AI to the beautiful game 
AI in sports has taken off in recent years. Now, Liverpool and DeepMind are teaming up to see how AI may impact the world’s most popular sport.
Does this artificial intelligence think like a human
A new technique compares the reasoning of a machine-learning model to that of a human, so the user can see patterns in the model’s behavior.
Ancient creatures inspire record-breaking new technology
Inspired by the ancient compound eyes of the trilobite, researchers have created a record-breaking camera with a depth of field of just over a mile.
Series| Hard Reset
Should war robots have  “license to kill?”
War is changing. As drones replace snipers, we must consider the ethics of machines making life or death decisions.
You can now live forever. (Your AI-powered twin, that is). 
Mind Bank AI wants to create a “personal digital twin” of you to forever be around. Is AI eternity around the corner?
McDonald’s is replacing human drive-thru attendants with AI
McDonald's just rolled out a voice recognition system at 10 drive-thrus in Chicago.
New vaccines may use AI to hit a moving target
Can AI create vaccines that work against mutations that haven't happened yet, groups of viruses, and virus too tricky to currently stop?
DeepMind releases massive protein structure database
DeepMind is releasing a massive database of protein structure predictions that includes all the molecules in the human proteome.
Kendrick Lamar deepfakes made by South Park creators’ studio 
Rapper Kendrick Lamar harnesses the artistic power of deepfake technology in the new music video for his song “The Heart Part 5.”
On the road to autonomous cars, driver fatigue will be a problem
New research from Waymo points the way to overcoming driver fatigue in cars that are almost — but not quite — self-driving.
The NBA’s Golden State Warriors use data to optimize the fan experience 
The Warriors are using data in an attempt to deliver the best — and best targeted — fan experience possible.
Johns Hopkins has developed a lung cancer blood test
Researchers at Johns Hopkins are using AI to power a lung cancer blood test.
Bipedal robot completes 5K after learning to run
Agility Robotics’ Cassie just became the first bipedal robot to complete an outdoor 5K run, completing the jaunt on a single charge.
AI helps people in war zones get their voices heard by leaders
The United Nations is using an AI tool to survey people living in war zones, giving them a voice during peacekeeping operations.
Instant delivery for everyone on Earth
In partnership with Zipline
We live in an unprecedented time of AI and technology - so why do medical access inequalities still exist? One company is tackling that.
We can now hear an AI robot’s thought process 
This robot’s thought process isn’t a secret — researchers gave the AI the ability to share its internal monologue with humans.
Dive into the world’s first underwater garden 
An underwater garden off the coast of Italy is introducing the world to a new type of sustainable agriculture.
Could you sniff out counterfeit whiskey?
An “electronic nose” that can accurately identify a whiskey’s brand, region, and style could help combat the sale of counterfeit whiskey.
We have a new way to hunt for potentially hazardous asteroids 
To help protect Earth from potentially hazardous asteroids, astronomers developed an algorithm to look for them in existing datasets.
IBM’s AI debater could help you make better decisions
IBM’s Project Debater is trained to quickly craft well-researched arguments — and the AI debater could one day improve your decision making.
Is your mind just a parasite on your physical body?
What if there is nothing special about self-awareness? What if it is just evolutionary dead weight, bound to disappear soon?
Vaccine robot administers doses without needles or human help
Canadian startup Cobioni has built a vaccine robot that can deliver a dose into a patient’s arm without a needle or any human help.
MIT’s robotic nose can detect first sign of disease
A powerful diagnosis tool may one day be in millions of smartphones.
AI dubbing can make actors appear to speak any language
A new AI dubbing tech called TrueSync matches actors’ mouths with recorded dialogue to make watching a movie in an unknown language feel less jarring.
The age of the autonomous forklift is here
Facing a skilled labor crunch, companies are turning to autonomous forklift fleets for a safer, faster, more efficient work environment.
AI backpack “sees” for visually impaired people
An AI backpack powered by Intel technology “sees” for visually impaired people, letting them know about any potential obstacles in their path.
TV shows train AI to predict human behavior
Algorithms are learning to guess what you'll do next by analyzing shows like "The Office."
These robot legs taught themselves to walk
A pair of robot legs were able to teach themselves to walk thanks to a unique twist on reinforcement learning, a common AI training technique.
VR shows parents what will happen in their baby’s surgery
A U.K. hospital is using VR to help parents see the potential impact skull-reshaping surgery could have on their baby’s appearance.
Meet the chess AI you might actually beat
Maia is a chess AI designed to play like you, not crush you. Predicting the most human decisions may pave the way for AI to train and work with us.
Watch Japan’s latest robot painter in action
For SXSW’s AI Painting Project, a robot arm was trained to generate paintings based on given concepts and using a limited number of brushstrokes.
MIT’s “Mini Cheetah” teaches itself to run 8.7 mph, breaking speed record
The four-legged robots learn how to move through experience — both in the real world and in simulations.
Why 2023 will be “the year of mixed reality”
Mixed reality, in which immersive virtual content is seamlessly combined with our physical world, is set to transform the world.
AI maps psychedelic “trip” experiences to regions of the brain – opening new route to psychiatric treatments 
To better understand how these effects manifest in the brain, we analyzed over 6,000 written testimonials of hallucinogenic experiences.
IBM’s artificial intelligence may help us defeat superbugs
A new AI tool detected 20 viable drug candidates in less than two months
How Spin is making its e-scooter service more accessible
In partnership with Ford
Spin, a micromobility provider, is using AI to help make e-scooters safer and city streets more accessible to all residents.
Autonomous Black Hawk helicopter flies without a crew 
The U.S. Army has given a Black Hawk helicopter the ability to complete an autonomous flight without any humans on board.
The world’s largest vertical farm is opening in Pennsylvania 
Upward Farms plans to build what will be the world’s largest vertical farm in Pennsylvania — and fish are going to fertilize its crops.
The 2021 Disney Accelerator sheds light on Disney’s metaverse ambitions
From AI to AR to live video shopping: these are the 8 companies selected for the Disney’s yearly accelerator program.
AI reconstructs lost art painted over by Picasso
You can now buy a reconstructed piece of lost art discovered lurking beneath a famous Picasso painting.
Climate transparency is about to get real with this independent database
A new independent database uses satellite data and AI to track global greenhouse gas emissions in near real-time, boosting climate transparency.
New antidepressant helps patients in just three days
Adding the new antidepressant zuranolone to standard treatments helped people with major depressive disorder feel better in less time.
How artificial intelligence is boosting crop yield to feed the world 
The Gene Ranking Artificial Intelligence Network (GRAIN) identifies genes that act at a fundamental level in crop metabolism.
"Hands-free" smart farm will replace laborers with robots
At a smart farm in Australia, robots and AI will do all the manual labor, potentially foreshadowing agriculture’s "hands-free" future.
Can we stop “deepfake geography”?
To highlight the problem of “deepfake geography,” University of Washington researchers built AIs to create and detect the fake satellite images.
New algorithm aces university math course questions 
Researchers use machine learning to automatically solve, explain, and generate university-level math problems at a human level.
This startup can make a digital twin of anyone
In just a few minutes, Hour One can produce a digital twin of anyone, capturing their likeness, expressions, and voice. 
Medical drones to transport blood being rushed to Ukraine
Medical drones are being rushed to Ukraine to help residents get the medical supplies they need in the midst of the war with Russia.
MIT’s new AI can make holograms in real-time
MIT trained an AI to generate photorealistic holograms in milliseconds using just the processing power of a smartphone.
Oculus exec bets $10,000 we'll have fully autonomous cars by 2030
An Oculus exec has publicly bet $10,000 that vehicles with Level 5 autonomy will arrive on city streets by 2030.