Five creative ways people are using ChatGPT
Internet users are getting creative with OpenAI’s new chatbot, ChatGPT, using it to plot movies, write menus, and more.
GitHub CEO says Copilot will write 80% of code "sooner than later"
GitHub CEO Thomas Dohmke goes in depth to answer questions about how AI-powered development will change the future of innovation itself.
A search engine researcher explains the promise and peril of letting AI search the web for you
AI responds to questions but doesn’t actually know anything and is prone to making things up. Should you trust is with your internet search?
AI dramatically improved mRNA vaccines in just 11 minutes
A new AI tool can find the most stable mRNA sequence for a vaccine, leading to more effective shots that are less prone to degradation.
Networks of silver nanowires seem to learn and remember, much like our brains
Self-organising networks of tiny silver wires appear to learn and remember in much the same way as the thinking hardware in our heads.
Microsoft plans to use ChatGPT in Bing. Here’s why it could be a threat to Google.
Language models could transform the ways we engage with search engines.
Search engines and AI will make each other better
The tech behind ChatGPT isn’t ready to overthrow Google, but it could fix what’s wrong with search engines.
Is this secretive device the “iPhone killer”?
Thanks to a leaked video from a TED presentation, we now have our first glimpse at secretive startup Humane’s wearable tech.
Dog “nose print” app is 99% accurate at ID’ing lost pets
An AI-based app that identifies dogs and cats based on their unique nose prints could help reunite lost pets and their owners.
I used generative AI to create pictures of painting robots, but I’m not the artist — humanity is 
Generative AI systems are incredible and hugely important, but they are not creative. In fact, they’re not even intelligent.
An interview with ChatGPT about itself
Freethink interviews OpenAI’s ChatGPT, an AI chatbot capable of generating conversational text, code, and more in response to prompts.
AI isn’t close to becoming sentient, we just think it is
To what extent will our psychological vulnerabilities shape our interactions with emerging technologies? AI will be the test.
ChatGPT answers physics questions like a confused C student
When asked about physics, ChatGPT gave a mixture of true, false, relevant, irrelevant, and contradictory answers — all with authority.
AI-discovered drug for ALS enters human trials in just four years
Verge Genomics has begun a trial of their AI-found ALS drug candidate, one of the first tests for this new method of drug discovery.
Text-to-image AIs are changing art forever 
Text-to-image AIs that draw whatever you describe in text are making it easy for anyone to create unique art online.
First-of-its-kind trial shows AI beat humans at analyzing heart scans 
Echonet, an AI trained to assess a measure of heart function, has outperformed trained technicians in both accuracy and efficiency.
The groundbreaking plan to map the entire human immune system
Powered by AI and a vast trove of data, the Human Immunome Project aims to fully map the most complex system in the human body.
This Stable Diffusion mod will turn you into a Pokémon 
Stable Diffusion, an open-source text-to-image AI, has been modified to generate Pokémon-like characters from simple text prompts.
Stanford’s new microchip could put powerful AI on your devices 
A Stanford-led team has developed a new microchip that could let us run advanced AI programs directly on our devices.
Farmers can fight invasive insects with AI and a robotic arm
As the invasive spotted lanternfly threatens to expand its range, Carnegie Mellon researchers are developing a robot to fight back.
Google has not created sentient AI — yet 
Google can make AI seem sentient, but the AI has no understanding of what it is saying. But humans are easily fooled by conversational AI.
Researchers believe genes could crack cancer in space
In partnership with Intel
How does space travel impact human health? Researchers are filling in the gaps in the data with AI.
Technology over the long run: See how dramatically the world can change within a lifetime
Bringing to mind how dramatically the world has changed can help us see how different the world could be in a few years or decades.
How do DALL-E, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, and other forms of generative AI work? 
DALL-E and other types of generative AI can produce images that look like photographs, paintings, or drawings that were created by humans.
Elon Musk demos humanoid robot, which will cost less than $20K
CEO Elon Musk unveiled two prototypes of the humanoid Tesla robot, expected to cost less than $20,000, at his company’s second annual AI Day.
How AI could learn from Aesop’s fables 
When USC researchers tried to teach an AI simple fables, they discovered that the process is a lot harder than it sounds.
A sepsis-catching AI has proven effective in hospitals
A new AI for spotting sepsis, which accounts for ⅓ of hospital deaths, was found to be effective in a large trial.
Sophia the robot talks Elon Musk, climate change, and more
Celebrity humanoid Sophia the robot shares her “thoughts” on climate change, Elon Musk, and more with Freethink.
Apple Music is using AI to make karaoke tracks
Apple Music Sing uses AI to turn popular songs into sing-alongs.
VR for self-driving cars makes training safer, more efficient
A system that acts like a virtual reality headset for self-driving cars makes training the vehicles safer and more efficient.
Meta can (kinda) guess what you’ve heard via your brain waves 
Meta has created an AI that can tell what you’re hearing based on non-invasive brain scan measurements.
This AI can finally tell humans why we’re losing 
By combining traditional and deep learning approaches, a neurosymbolic AI has beaten bridge champions in a win for “white box” AI.
40% of chores could be done by robots within 10 years, according to a new study
Nearly 40% of the time spent on domestic chores could be automated within a decade, researchers estimate.
With “thanabots,” ChatGPT is making it possible to talk to the dead
ChatGPT is making it possible to digitally resurrect the dead in the form of thanabots: chatbots trained on data of the deceased.
AI could help cancer patients avoid a deadly recurrence
A new study found that AI can use a patient’s initial skin cancer growth to predict their risk of melanoma recurrence.
Cancer treatment is about to get a reboot, thanks to AI
Techniques borrowed from astrophysics are helping to advance personalized cancer treatments beyond what genetics can tell us.
New smart glasses use sonar to read your lips
New glasses use sonar sensing technology and AI to allow users to control devices via silent, mouthed commands.
Bruce Willis sells his likeness for a deepfake ad 
Retired actor Bruce Willis had a "digital twin" made so that his likeness could be inserted into a new project using deepfake tech.
AI is helping decode the oldest story in the world
A new algorithm is helping decode ancient cuneiform tablets — including those containing the oldest known work of world literature.
Is the disruption caused by AI art actually new, or does it just feel new?
From paint in tubes to typewriters to photography to digital art, the history of creativity is a history of disruptive technologies.
Elevator technology is going up
A new generation of elevator technology may soon change the way you ride.
Toyota claims it will double the range of EVs in less than 3 years
Toyota’s been a bit behind the EV game, but claims game-changing batteries and new EV models are on the way.
Series| Hard Reset
The robot solving America’s trash crisis
This robot sorts trash with 99% accuracy.
Target is now offering the world’s first “robot manicure”
A robot that uses AI and 3D cameras to paint fingernails is now giving Target customers 10-minute manicures for just $8.
People trust AI fake faces more than real ones, research suggests 
Fake faces created by artificial intelligence (AI) are considered more trustworthy than images of real people, a study finds.
How AI is shaping the cybersecurity arms race 
Defending against cyberattacks increasingly means looking for patterns in large amounts of data – a task AI was made for.
DeepMind’s pricey robot simulator is now available for free
AI research lab ​​DeepMind, a sister company of Google, has purchased and open-sourced the powerful robot simulator MuJoCo.
This tiny device lets you see your heart while exercising
A new wearable heart monitor powered by AI provides accurate and continuous measurements of cardiac performance at all times.
“Robot rooms” could be the future of homes and offices 
Integrating robots into walls, ceilings, furniture, and appliances could radically change our indoor spaces.
Epilepsy surgery has a success rate of only 50%. This digital brain may change that.
Using patient data and AI, French researchers have created a digital model of the brain to figure out which brain region needs removed.
Sophia the robot becomes first humanoid to be signed by a gaming org
Sophia the robot has signed to XSET, a gaming organization and lifestyle brand focused on diversity and inclusion.
Protecting the rainforest from space
In partnership with Skoll Foundation
Meet the network using AI and satellite imagery to fight the illegal use of land in Brazil.
From drugs to chemical weapons with a flip of an AI switch 
AI drug discovery models can be repurposed to darker ends — instead of discovering new treatments, they could create thousands of brand new chemical weapons.
AI has mapped all of the world’s known ant species
Using over a million data points and a machine learning algorithm, a team of researchers has mapped all of the ant species currently known.
New AI-based theory explains your weird dreams
A new paper suggests that dreaming helps us generalize our experiences so that we can adapt to new circumstances.
An expert explains how you’re using ChatGPT wrong
ChatGPT is designed to produce strings of words that sound good in response to the words you give it – not to provide you with information.
“Korean Google” opens the world’s first robot-friendly building
Tech giant Naver Corporation designed its new headquarters, 1784, to be a "robot-friendly" testing ground for its latest technologies.
New AI improves itself through Darwinian-style evolution
AutoML-Zero is a simple proof-of-concept that shows how t might someday be scaled up and applied to more complex problems.
ChatGPT: why it will probably remain just a tool that does inefficient work more efficiently
ChatGPT could do inefficient tasks more efficiently — but that doesn't answer the question of whether the tasks are worth doing at all.
AI is helping to ID victims in Holocaust photos
The new website From Numbers to Names uses facial recognition tech to identify previously anonymous faces in Holocaust photos.
How facial recognition is identifying human trafficking victims 
In partnership with Clearview AI
The technology is enabling law enforcement to shine a light on the darkest corners of the open internet.
This company wants you to live forever in their metaverse 
Metaverse company Somnium Space wants to create digital versions of you to live on after you pass, the newest example of digitized death-defying.
A celebrated AI has learned a new trick: How to do chemistry
We had a challenging question for the AI AlphaFold – had its structural training set taught it some chemistry?
Where AI and organisms differ and what it means for AGI
A recent research paper published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution explores obstacles toward general artificial intelligence, specifically: what prevents AI from improvising?
Will “The Singularity” rescue us from death?
In transhumanism, "The Singularity" promises possibility of uploading your consciousness into silicon, guaranteeing a kind of immortality.
65% of retail jobs could be automated by 2025
The retail sector has been making ground in the adoption of automation with the use of self checkouts, and robots and AI in supply chains.
We should teach AIs to drive the same way we teach kids
To help self-driving AIs learn more like humans do, Canadian startup Waabi has created a digital world to act as driving school and Danger Room.
Here’s what full-color night vision looks like now
Researchers at UC Irvine have created a proof-of-concept AI that can take night vision images and accurately turn them into full color.
Watch a robot barista create latte art 
New funding will allow Seattle-based startup Artly Coffee to bring its robot barista to more US locations.
First AI controls plasma inside fusion reactor 
DeepMind has co-developed an AI capable of controlling the super-hot plasma inside a tokamak fusion reactor.
Drones and AI recover a meteorite for the first time 
Australian researchers have trained an AI to locate fallen space rocks using footage from autonomous drone surveys.
AI-based theory explains your weird dreams
Researchers suggest that dreaming helps us generalize our experiences so that we can adapt to new circumstances.
AI creates realistic pictures from pure text
NVIDIA’s new AI can translate text into images.
Passing the Turing Test: AI creates human-like text 
Natural language processing tools are growing increasingly sophisticated, and OpenAI's GPT-3 just might fool you in a conversation.
This incredibly life-like robot hand can be made for just $2,800
Low-cost robots that perfectly mimic parts of the human body foreshadow a future in which humanoid robots do all the work people don't want.
Watch John McEnroe take on past versions of himself on the court
Thanks to AI, digital avatars, and robotic cannons, John McEnroe is taking on his toughest opponent: himself.
A fusion rocket designed to travel 500,000 mph is under construction
British startup Puslar Fusion is developing a fusion rocket it says will travel 500,000 mph, expanding our reach throughout the solar system.
New AI-powered farming robot covers 50 acres of crops per day
French startup Meropy has developed an agricultural robot that can autonomously inspect crops from above and below.
AI artist Botto has made its first million
AI artist Botto, which hones its taste via a human community, has made a splash in the art market, going from NFTs to Miami.
AI can translate normal written text to code
Codex, from OpenAI, can turn normal, conversational commands into programming, taking text to code.
Chatting with my own HereAfter
HereAfter AI’s Legacy Avatar is an AI-powered digital twin. But what’s it like to talk to yourself?
Series| Hard Reset
Megafires: Fixing 100 years of mistakes in 10 years
Most forests in the world may become fireproof in just ten years with this technology.
5 biotech trends to watch in 2023
After a monumental year of breakthroughs, scientists, investors, and CEOs share which areas of biotech they are eagerly watching this year.
Algorithm finds a potentially hazardous asteroid missed by NASA
HelioLinc3D, an algorithm designed to spot potentially hazardous asteroids in telescope images, just found its first threatening space rock.
Why don't surgeons train like fighter pilots? Now some do.
Using AI and analysis, Theator is helping surgeons improve how pilots and pro athletes do: by going to the tape.
The subtle art of language: why artificial general intelligence might be impossible
Until robots understand jokes and sarcasm, artificial general intelligence will remain in the realm of science fiction.
Hyundai’s autonomous ship is the first to make a transoceanic journey 
Autonomous ships like the Prism Courage could make the seas safer, while also making shipping cleaner and more efficient.
This soft brain implant unfurls its arms under the skull
A soft brain implant that unfurls under the skull could make implantation surgeries less costly and risky.
In Japan, humanoid robots could soon become part of the family
More than any other nation, Japan tends to feel comfortable with the idea of humanoid robots entering the home.
DeepMind’s AI lights path to faster drug development
Alphabet has announced the launch of Isomorphic Labs, an AI-driven drug discovery company built on research from its DeepMind subsidiary.
Lightweight bionic zaps muscles to help you walk longer, faster 
The AI-powered Neural Sleeve electrically stimulates the leg muscles to help people with mobility issues walk faster and longer.
We gave ChatGPT a college-level microbiology quiz. It blew the quiz away.
A microbiologist devised a quiz that would be appropriate as a final exam for college-level microbiology students. ChatGPT blew it away.
Seven science and tech breakthroughs you may have missed this year
A roundup of major science and tech achievements that flew under the radar in 2022, including new vaccines, advanced solar cells, and more.
Is our world ready for mind-controllable robotic body parts? 
Advanced neuroprosthetics are here, and they could hook our brains into the Internet of Things.
How to tell if you can trust an AI 
MIT has developed a new method for quickly and easily evaluating machine learning decisions, which could help us build trustworthy AI.
UCLA’s humanoid soccer robot is headed to the “RoboCup”
A first-of-its-kind soccer robot built by researchers at UCLA is heading to France to compete in the annual RoboCup.
Chinese robot clones pigs with no human help
A robot that automates a common technique for animal cloning has been used to produce a litter of pigs in China.
Computer scientist explains why even in the age of AI, computing isn’t limitless
A computer’s power is still limited by the number of operations it can execute per second and the efficiency of the algorithms it runs.