Just Might Work
Inside the lab creating human eggs from scratch
“In a 50 year timeframe this could become the default way that people choose to have children.”
Should extreme biohacking be a human right?
“I want to genetically modify humans. I want to create a coronavirus vaccine in my kitchen. Because I can. Because it’s beautiful and cool. But like, you can’t say that shit.”
Hacking evolution to grow super coral
Coral reefs sustain life for 1 billion people around the world, but 90% will be extinct by 2050 if we don’t find a solution now.
Ramen Profitable
The crowdfunded personal wind turbine that sold out in 5 days
In partnership with Million Stories
This clean energy startup hit their fundraising goal in 1 hour. Here’s how crowdfunding brought Shine to life.
Future Explored
Hack your gut microbiome, live to 110
Does this group of Japanese 107-year-olds hold the key to stopping aging? Let’s explore that, with host Tom Carroll.
Latest Videos
The Freethink Interview
The war over microchips is coming, says Chris Miller | The Freethink Interview
“When we think about technology, we think of social media, search engines, apps on our phone; but undergirding all of this are chips.”
Hard Reset
3x faster air travel at a fraction of the price: this jet engine could change everything
“This is a system that will enable the sub-thousand dollar ticket from San Francisco to Tokyo in 3.5 hours.”
Hard Reset
The most secure wireless connection ever: Your body
What if your body could become a USB cable? Ixana, a cutting-edge wearable hardware company, is revolutionizing how we connect our devices by using our bodies as conductors.
Hard Reset
How the DIY engineering boom will change the world
$20,000, 100 days, no job, 1 garage. This family built a self-driving car during the pandemic. Now, they’re starting a company.
The Freethink Interview
The solar revolution turning sunlight into synthetic fuel
“10 years ago, my colleagues and I looked at the prognosis for Climate Change, and it looked pretty hopeless. There really was no way out.” But something happened – something good.
Hard Reset
Disrupting one of the world’s dirtiest industries: Meet the 3D loom
Fast-fashion is over. “Automated Apparel” is here to reduce waste, fit everyone better, and save human time and labor.
Hard Reset
This company is winning the race to create the first factory in space
The race to build the first space factory is on — and this team is beating everyone to the finish line.
Hard Reset Podcast
Hard Reset Podcast: Energy Density | Episode #15
The US has some of the best solar and wind energy in the world. Now there’s a cheap, zero-emissions way to store it.
Hard Reset
See the robots turning a $250B industry into a one-button click
It takes years to fix a complex fighter jet. Machina Labs’ robo-factory could do it at the click of a button.
Hard Reset Podcast
Hard Reset Podcast: Strong Water | Episode #14
This slime is non-toxic, 100% biodegradable, and fights fires with 10x the strength of water. Here’s how it’s revolutionizing firefighting.
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Hard Reset
We’re using our streets all wrong
COVID-19 turned city streets into pop-up restaurants. What if we didn’t go back?
Hard Reset
We’re using our streets all wrong

The most incredible medical advances of our time.
The world’s first bionic drummer
Jason Barnes lost his arm in a horrible accident. Then he became the fastest drummer in the world…
3D printing prosthetics for kids
The incredible movement of shared designs and tech that’s making prosthetics better and cheaper for everyone.
The exoskeleton marathon racer
How do you bounce back from a life-changing car accident? Adam Gorlitsky decided he would break a world record.
The emerging cyborg
Alec McMorris is testing one of the world’s most advanced prosthetics – an AI powered bionic leg.
The real bionic man
After losing part of his arm to cancer, Johnny now has one of the world’s most advanced prosthetics.
Hunting down his son’s killer
For years, there was no diagnosis, no treatment, and no cure — because his son’s disease had never been seen before. That wasn’t going to stop this dad.
Brain implant gives quadriplegic movement
A brain implant connected to electrodes could offer hope to those who have lost function in their limbs.
These gloves can teach you to play the piano. And maybe heal your brain.
Through “passive haptic learning”, these gloves can teach you how to play the piano in an hour. Braille in four hours. Now researchers want to see if victims of traumatic brain injuries can use these gloves to re-learn critical skills.
Electric skin gives sensation back to amputees
Touch is a sensation that connects us all. This scientist created electronic skin that lets people with prosthetic limbs feel.
Robotic wheelchair revolution
Part Wheelchair. Part Robot. Is this the future of accessibility?
Spinal implants: Helping the paralyzed walk again
Walking after complete spinal cord injury used to be a far-fetched dream. But, with advances in spinal cord implants for paralysis, even paraplegics have been able to regain mobility and walk again.
Popular this Month
26-year-old builds $8,000 mind-controlled bionic arms
Bionic arms used to cost $80,000. Now, a young engineer has lowered the cost by over 90%.
Jack Berning
Just Might Work
How robots could end animal captivity in zoos and marine parks
Could robotic dolphins help marine parks become more humane spaces where people can learn about and connect with nature?
Ramen Profitable
‘Liquid Death’ canned water — a thrilling alternative to plastic
In partnership with Million Stories
Liquid Death is shifting consumer mindsets toward canned water through radically imaginative marketing that is frightening to some, but entertaining to most.
Jack Berning
Hackers find missing people for fun
This search and rescue expert discovered that many missing people had nobody looking for them. Then he had an idea: what if hackers made a game out of finding missing people through the internet?
Dope Science
Decades of misinformation and bad science has distorted what we think about illicit drugs – but that’s changing.
Just Might Work
Is DMT the best new treatment for depression?
Psychedelic therapy could bring the ancient healing powers of drugs like DMT into mental health clinics.
Dope Science
Microdosing psychedelics
Microdosing is the no-flowers-in-your-hair practice of regularly taking minimal amounts of hallucinogenic substances. Although it’s currently illegal, millions of dollars are being poured into further research.
Dope Science
The Drug Users Bible: A guide to safe drug use
Over a 10 year period, Dominic Milton Trott self-administered 157 psychoactive drugs and documented his experiences on each one. He then created the book, The Drug Users Bible, to inform curious minds about safe drug use.
Dope Science
I use ketamine for depression – here’s how it works
Commonly known as a party drug, ketamine’s powerful effects on the brain have led doctors to further explore its medical potential. Now, the animal anesthetic is providing relief and hope for people with severe depression.
Doug Dais
Dope Science
Cannabis as a natural treatment for autism
When typical medications simply aren’t doing enough to manage their children’s symptoms, mothers like Jenni Mai are turning to medical marijuana. But with current regulations, parents are having to become pharmacists for their own families, and some are even moving across the country so they can legally access cannabis.
New original series

Running a startup is hard. Disrupting an entire industry is almost impossible.