Consumer Tech

Should you charge your phone overnight? Will “overcharging” make it explode?
Does prolonged (or overnight) charging wreak havoc on your phone battery? An expert answers this and other common battery questions.
Hard Reset Podcast: Leather | Episode #7
There’s a new leather substitute, but instead of being made from flimsy plastic, it’s derived from mushrooms.
Apple Vision Pro wasn’t the only major announcement at WWDC23
On Day 1 of WWDC23, Apple announced three new Macs, several new operating systems, and the world’s most powerful personal computer chip.
New tech creates liquid buttons on touchscreens
Insiders say Apple is building an “AI health coach”
Is this secretive device the “iPhone killer”?
New smart glasses use sonar to read your lips
Dog “nose print” app is 99% accurate at ID’ing lost pets
Batteries not included: How your own body could power wearables
Goodyear announces 90% sustainable tire
Apple has a secret project to help people with diabetes
Amazon TVs can now stream directly to cochlear implants
John Deere unveils quieter, electric riding mowers