Skoll | Rethinking Possible

To solve the world’s most pressing problems, we need to trust those closest to the challenge. These are the solutions, people, and organizations making our world a better place for everyone.
This is Rethinking Possible, stories from the frontiers of radical change, created by Skoll Foundation and Freethink.
Indigenous Peoples are guardians of the world’s forests, playing a vital role in preserving these crucial ecosystems. But as their land rights and livelihoods come under increasing threat, these defenders are standing strong, fighting for the land and working with organizations like Global Witness to expose the institutions responsible for its destruction.
By shedding light on the financial institutions backing companies like JBS, Global Witness is exposing the impact of environmental damage and aiding defenders in their fight to protect and preserve our planet’s forests.

Indigenous communities like the Maasai in Tanzania are being displaced as governments and corporations exploit their valuable resources. They are being relocated in the name of conservation, while their land is being used for profit. Despite facing eviction and rights violations, these communities continue to protect their natural homelands. Indigenous people make up 6% of the global population but protect 60-80% of remaining biodiversity.
Now, thanks to organizations like Indigenous Peoples’ Rights International (IPRI), they are able to amplify their voices and fight for their rights on a global scale.

The process is simple – when attending appointments at the DMV, eligible citizens are automatically registered; no additional time, forms, or conversations are necessary. If uninterested, users can choose to opt out, but otherwise, registration is seamless. This way, one of the hardest parts of voting is automatically completed, leading to a more secure system, and even more participating citizens.
Also dubbed the “Motor Voter of the 21st Century,” Secure AVR streamlines voter registration, making it effortless and inclusive. By integrating this system nationwide, millions of eligible voters could be added to the rolls, strengthening the democratic process and ensuring broader representation.

Rethinking Possible’s companion podcast is a radically honest and fresh conversation about how transformational social change actually gets made and who makes it. Hosted by Courtney E. Martin and Nguhi Mwaura, and brought to you by the Skoll Foundation in partnership with Aspen Ideas.