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Series| Hard Reset
Starlink’s newest competitor is using next-gen satellites to create internet for everyone
Four billion people are not connected to the internet. This company wants to change that, using satellites in geostationary orbit.
Debunking the myth of Gen Z “voter apathy” ahead of the 2024 election
In partnership with Skoll Foundation
Gen Z is stereotyped as politically apathetic. These youth action groups are proving that couldn’t be further from the truth.
MasterClass co-founder explains the secret to standing out in any industry
In partnership with Million Stories
How you position your business is as important as the idea itself. MasterClass co-founder Aaron Rasmussen reveals why.
Hard Reset Podcast: Cars | Episode #8
You’re worried about autonomous cars. We want to answer your questions.
How I reinvented the future of the art market
In partnership with Million Stories
This first-time entrepreneur didn’t find a gap in the art market — he reinvented it. Here’s how he made it happen.
These cities are working alongside nature to become flood-proof
Barriers, floodgates, aqueducts, empty wells — how these cities are adapting to floods and droughts.
The 4 things more important than experience in business
In partnership with Million Stories
You don’t need to know everything before you start your business. This drop-out turned CEO is proof.
African food is rising in popularity. Here are the chefs, farmers, and businesses making that happen
In partnership with Skoll Foundation
Colonization has pushed African cuisine into the shadows. These chefs, farmers, and business owners are on a mission to put it in the spotlight.
Series| Hard Reset
This device is 1,000 times more efficient than your computer
In partnership with BetterHelp
This model of computing would use 1/1000th of the energy today’s computers do. So why aren’t we using it?
Okay, so you’re an artist. How do you make $?
In partnership with Million Stories
With the boom of social media, artists don’t need galleries to survive anymore. Here’s how not to become “the starving artist.”
Africa is 50% hotter than the rest of the world. How farmers are combating rising temperatures
In partnership with Skoll Foundation
Compared to the rest of the world, West Africa is getting hotter faster. Here’s the digital tool that helps farmers secure a higher yield.

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The Science of Dying
Explore the journey from life to death and beyond. Near-death experiences, death doulas, digital immortality, and more – join us for a thoughtful exploration of one life’s most intriguing and inevitable phenomena with stories from the frontlines of death.
Are near-death experiences just psychedelic trips? 
One possible explanation of near death experiences is that our brains are flooded with a hallucinogenic, DMT.
Study finds CPR patients may frequently have near-death experiences
In a study of CPR patients across the US and UK, researchers found new evidence about near-death experiences.
Psychedelics are helping dying patients overcome their existential distress
End of life patients face existential and spiritual challenges other patients do not. Psychedelics may be uniquely suited to helping them.

Treatments for depression, anxiety, and PTSD are “not necessarily transferable to the kinds of suffering that people approaching the very end of life may have.

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A live, searchable satellite database of everything on Earth, every single day:
"This has never been possible before." Using AI, this team can automatically identify and categorize what their satellites see, creating a true global database of “what’s on the world.”
Former SpaceX engineer invents a “Robotic Blacksmith Army”
It takes humans 7 hours. This robot does it in 75 minutes. ⬇️⁠ ⁠ A Norwegian startup is building massive AI robots to help airlines reduce their carbon emissions, save…
We've spoken with a number of founders trying to create solutions to big problems. It's hard work, but it's possible.⁠ ⁠ That's what Flexport CEO Ryan Petersen told us in…
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We focus on solutions: the smartest people, the biggest ideas, and the most groundbreaking technology shaping our future.
Building a Solarpunk Future
Quantum computer designs heat-radiating window coating
Notre Dame researchers have used quantum computing to design a transparent window coating that reflects heat into the atmosphere.
Molten salt reactors could save nuclear power
Molten salt reactors, a type of nuclear reactor first explored in the 1950s, could be the future of clean energy.
NASA detects 50+ methane “super-emitters” from space 
A new instrument aboard the International Space Station has been used to identify more than 50 “super-emitters” of methane.
This amphibious electric tricycle (and camper) costs $14,600 
Latvian startup BeTRITON’s amphibious electric tricycle will take you from the road to the water to the campsite.

Memory champion explains how she memorizes 1,080 numbers in 30 minutes

Katie Kermode — a memory athlete with four world records — uses a unique spin on an ancient technique to memorize unfathomably long lists of information.

Memory champion explains how she memorizes 1,080 numbers in 30 minutes

An image of a green brain on a black background.
Advancing the Space Frontier
NASA’s Orion spacecraft sends back first images
NASA has shared the first images from its Orion spacecraft, which is expected to do a lunar flyby on November 21.
A far-out plan to build an asteroid city
University of Rochester researchers think they have a solution to creating an asteroid city: a giant bag.
Twin exoplanets may be the first known “water worlds”
Twin exoplanets 218 light years from Earth may be the first known examples of “water worlds.”
Original Series

Meet the people whose bold ideas might sound crazy… but also Just Might Work.

Freethink Favorites

Stories focused on interesting solutions to big problems. 

Biohackers take aim at big pharma’s stranglehold on insulin
These biohackers plan to give away their instructions for how to make insulin for free.
Farming robot kills 200,000 weeds per hour with lasers 
Carbon Robotics’ LaserWeeder is a smart farming robot that identifies weeds and then kills them using high-power lasers.
Supercentenarians’ DNA reveals clues to human longevity
A human longevity study involving people over the age of 105 has found that genetic variants linked to DNA repair appear to contribute to a longer life.
How robots could end animal captivity in zoos and marine parks
Could robotic dolphins help marine parks become more humane spaces where people can learn about and connect with nature?
Twisty nuclear fusion reactor gets twice as hot as the sun
Physicists optimized a nuclear fusion reactor to overcome a problem that causes heat loss and prevents the device from sustaining fusion.
Series| Coded
Tractor-hacking farmers take on John Deere 
Tractor hacking is a fast-growing trend in the farming community — but it’s not outsiders breaking in.
Japan breaks world record for fastest internet speed
Engineers in Japan have set a new world record for fastest internet speed — 319 Tb/s — using a specially developed fiber-optic cable.
Sophia the Robot will be mass-produced this year
Hanson Robotics is going to begin mass-producing Sophia the robot in 2021, making the social robot available to help combat the pandemic.
This DIY laptop is challenging tech giants like Apple & Microsoft
Disposable tech is part of big tech’s business model. This engineer is fighting back by creating a DIY laptop anyone can repair on their own.
Prisoners will get a $2,750 check when they leave prison
A non-profit is experimenting with providing prisoners a $2,750 check when they leave prison. The goal is to reduce recidivism and help people get a fresh start.
Series| Hard Reset
How mirrors could power the planet… and prevent wars
If adopted globally, concentrated solar power could make major waves in manufacturing, not to mention prevent wars over oil and mitigate climate change.