
Why happiness is not the best indicator of well-being
Achieving values and pursuing growth is the real secret to a fulfilled life.
Plant sensors could act as an early warning system for farmers
Using sensors made from carbon nanotubes, researchers discovered signals that help plants respond to stresses like heat, light, or attack.
Flickering screens help kids with reading disabilities
Google and Harvard have created the most detailed brain map yet
Disease-resistant banana created with CRISPR
Microscopic animals revived after 24,000 years in permafrost
What happens when your brain imagines the future?
"Light-shrinking" material cranks normal microscopes up to 11
The entire human genome has (finally) been sequenced
New lab-grown mini hearts have a human-like beat
Birds, frogs, and reptiles use sound to “program” embryos
Will human augmentation move too fast for our brains?