In the midst of a crisis, Venezuelans are training self-driving cars
Hundreds of thousands of formerly middle class Venezuelans, thrown into poverty by economic collapse, are now sitting at computers as they help train self-driving cars to identify and avoid obstacles.
The first private moonshot is ready to launch
The Israeli group's moon mission will be ride-sharing on a SpaceX rocket.
Advanced prosthetics are not only powerful, they’re beautiful
"There's a deep, deep relationship between the functionality of the device and a person's identity of what their body is."
Teaching engineering with dirt bikes
This teacher is using dirt bikes to help Baltimore's kids learn STEM.
A new brain surgery robot can work inside an MRI
Metal robots and electric motors don't normally play well with giant magnets.
UV robots can sterilize an ICU in 10 minutes
UV light destroys bacterial DNA from the inside out, eradicating the toughest pathogens in minutes.
Series| Superhuman
Helping kids walk with wearable robots
Exoskeletons aren't just science fiction anymore. Wearable robots are helping kids with cerebral palsy walk.
Robots are mass producing mini-organs
Robots can make hundreds of tiny copies of your organs, allowing doctors to test many different treatments at the...
Bionic prosthetic grants amputee musician a rocking encore
How might your life change if you lost an arm? After losing his right arm in an electrical accident, Jason wasn’t...
What we learned from a decade of commercial space travel
Businesses have gotten to space; now what?
Why researchers built a robot snake
Believe it or not, there's a good reason this robot snake exists
The robot duck helping kids with cancer
In partnership with Aflac
Nation of Artists and Freethink are proud to partner with Aflac, Sproutel and Carol Cone On Purpose for the launch...
Series| Wrong
Will robots take our jobs?
Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, fear of automation has been on the rise. From weaving machines to cars...
Series| Superhuman
The world’s first bionic drummer
Jason Barnes lost his arm in a horrible accident. Then he became the fastest drummer in the world...
Could freezing your body offer a chance at immortality?
In a lab in Arizona, dozens of bodies sit preserved at 320 degrees below zero. They each paid $200,000 to be frozen...
Can this robot stop violence at traffic stops?
A Duke robotics PhD student and his partner think they have a way ease tensions while deep-rooted differences are...
Will robots steal our jobs?
Could exoskeletons help us do our jobs? Should we actually be afraid of robots taking our jobs? These are the...
Series| Superhuman
Robotic wheelchair revolution
Part Wheelchair. Part Robot. Is this the future of accessibility?
Series| Superhuman
A life changed by robotic legs
Robert is paralyzed. But thanks to a robotic exoskeleton, he can walk again.
Why this startup believes 3D printing in space will be a game changer
Sending things into space is really expensive. But what if we didn't have to? What if everything in space was made...
What to expect at the first Cyborg Olympics
The event will seek to answer one of the most interesting technology questions of the early 21st century: How close...
Assistive tech doesn't have to be high tech
The story of how 3D printing gave Ryan Hines a chance to regain his independence for $150. And how he's now...
Meet the wounded veteran using bionics to take back his independence
Jerral lost his left arm in Iraq. Now he's working with a team from Johns Hopkins to test a prosthetic arm that...
Series| Superhuman
The real bionic man
After losing part of his arm to cancer, Johnny now has one of the world's most advanced prosthetics.
Self-driving cars are finally here. Sort of.
Uber rolled out self-driving cars in Pittsburgh, but they're not totally autonomous. Yet. Under Pennsylvania law,...
Five insights: Scott Phoenix on creating AI and building a company around a crazy idea
Scott Phoenix, founder of Vicarious, shares insights on the development of artificial intelligence and why this is...
Meet the paralyzed man who can walk again
Robert is paralyzed from the chest down. But now a robotic exoskeleton is giving him what he calls "a second chance...
Could your brain regenerate like skin?
Brain regeneration used to be considered a medical fantasy. But research shows that fantasy could eventually become...
Can tech giants get ahead of AI?
Companies gather to discuss impact of A.I. A possible neural lace breakthrough. And unmanned cargo ships. This is...
The world's most advanced bionic arm
A fascinating interview with Michael P. McLoughlin, the chief engineer of research and exploratory development at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.
How do we scale bionic technology?
Right now, assistive bionic technology is really cool and really expensive. This is how it will get better and...
Where did the commercial space sector come from?
Private companies have worked with NASA for decades. Can the next generation of space companies get by without the...
This computer can write 2,000 snarky articles per second
What does it mean for the future of journalism when a computer can turn mounds of data into a cohesive narrative?