Building the world’s greenest Bitcoin mine
In partnership with Coinbase
Meet the digital currency disruptors who are making Bitcoin mining carbon negative for a greener future.
Where next for crypto and the evolution of blockchains?
The new book "Data Money: Inside Cryptocurrencies, Their Communities, Markets, and Blockchains" explores how crypto is made and traded.
A West Texas lab’s mission to make cryptocurrency mining sustainable
In partnership with Coinbase
Bitcoin mining consumes a massive amount of energy. But, a smarter data center could make the process carbon negative. 
How Fishcoin is using blockchain to combat seafood fraud
In partnership with Coinbase
Are you buying black-market fish? Fishcoin is waging a war against fraud.
Why Indonesian fishers now have crypto wallets
In partnership with Coinbase
Big Fish is notoriously corrupt. This startup is using blockchain to stop that.
The sex workers taking on Mastercard, Visa, and PayPal
Big banks are blocking sex work payments. Is crypto the answer?
Behind the crypto hype is an ideology of social change
Unlike technology enthusiasts or crypto marketers, “true bitcoiners” didn’t talk about technology, but trust and corruption.
How Brian Armstrong built Coinbase, America’s largest cryptocurrency exchange 
No one took him seriously. Now, his company stores more than $90 billion dollars in assets. Here’s how Brian Armstrong rode a cryptocurrency tsunami to the forefront of a financial revolution.
The future of cryptocurrency: reasons to be both optimistic and skeptical
This tech is usually framed as either the answer to all of our problems — or as a complete waste of time. The truth is probably in the middle.
Inside the crypto black markets of Argentina
Argentina’s black market for cash is embracing crypto — but it's not what crypto proponents expected.
Texas A&M grads use flare gas to mine $4M in Bitcoin 
Two college grads earned four million dollars by mining the cryptocurrency with specialized shipping containers that use flare gas.
DAO raises millions of dollars in crypto to support Ukraine 
A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) has raised $7 million in crypto for Ukraine, demonstrating a new model for charity and more.
Bitcoin is now ‘legal tender’ in El Salvador
If more countries follow, what will this mean for consumers and businesses around the world?
Twitter’s founder donated a quarter of a million to a new social media app
Jack Dorsey has donated 14 bitcoins to Nostr, a decentralized protocol on top of which developers can build apps, such as a social network.
Stablecoins, CBDCs, and the future of money
What role would a Fedcoin play in the evolving landscape of digital currency?
Series| Coded
The strange story of Venezuela’s failed cryptocurrency
The world’s first state-backed cryptocurrency was a revolutionary idea that could’ve saved Venezuela’s economy. Here’s what went wrong.
North Korean citizens are jailbreaking smartphones to bypass censorship 
In the face of severe punishments, North Korean hackers are finding clever ways to access forbidden content.
Decentraland announces the Metaverse Festival
Virtual reality (VR) platform Decentraland is hosting a four-day long Metaverse Festival, with headliners Deadmau5 and Paris Hilton.
AI artist Botto has made its first million
AI artist Botto, which hones its taste via a human community, has made a splash in the art market, going from NFTs to Miami.
Fashion, art, and games: here’s what a decentralized metaverse could mean
The idea of the metaverse has gone from the realm of science fiction to the latest business model of major companies from Facebook to Nike.
Blockchain experts are funding research that Big Pharma won't 
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) use smart contracts on blockchains to change how scientific research is funded and shared.
Can we get blockchains to talk to each other? 
Blockchains do more than crypto; logistics, contracts, and more use the tech. But there’s a problem: blockchain communication is still difficult.
Apes and NFTs run the first metaverse music group 
Universal Music Group has just "signed" KINGSHIP, a band of four NFTs of Bored Apes and Mutant Apes, destined to perform in the metaverse.
The “great resignation” is a trend that began before the pandemic – and it may be the new normal
The current resignation behavior may seem like a new trend, data shows employee turnover has been rising steadily for the past decade.
Web 3.0 vs. the metaverse: What’s the difference? 
Web 3.0 and the metaverse both describe the internet of the future, but they aren’t the same thing — this is your guide to each.
Volcanoes to power bitcoin mining in El Salvador
Now that bitcoin is legal tender in El Salvador, the nation is working to power bitcoin mining facilities with geothermal energy harnessed from volcanoes.
A decentralized web 3.0 could lead to more innovation and privacy controls 
When middlemen are removed, whole new business models and innovations can emerge.
NFTs and crypto art, explained
NFTs are creating a marketplace for digital content. It may be a huge opportunity for digital creators to sell their own work.
Understanding the metaverse through Spatial
From virtual collaboration to NFT Galleries, one of the immersive industry’s most ambitious startups is making its metaverse play.
Now you can save endangered species — just by playing games
A new smartphone game will allow players to adopt an endangered animal in the digital world while simultaneously protecting one in the real world.
Inside the arctic vault protecting human culture from an apocalypse
The Arctic World Archive preserves cultural artifacts for future generations in the event of a global disaster, and it now contains 21 TB of open source code.
Can we decentralize the internet?
A decentralized internet could make the internet faster and less vulnerable to censorship.
"q" probably won't make you rich, but it's an experiment worth watching
It's not the next Bitcoin (or a path to riches), but it's an intriguing idea.