
Why harmony with nature is a myth
Slowing growth and limiting development isn’t living in harmony with nature—it is surrendering in a battle.
How the internet changed news, according to The Onion
Freethink spoke to Onion staffers about parodying news from the print era into the digital age.
Animation may be entering a new renaissance. Here’s why.
Popular animated films have been rendered in an increasingly realistic style recently. Here’s where animation is heading in the future.
Generalist vs. specialist: Which is the best path to success?
Series| Catalysts
Women supporting women to overcome the trauma of abuse
In partnership with Stand Together
What dinosaur poop tells us about ancient life
Chico MacMurtrie's art transcends the southern border
A language goes extinct every two weeks. here’s a plan to save them.
Merging nature and sustainable design: An interview with Daan Roosegaarde
Dad builds amusement park for daughter
Clean meat: A new protein is making its way onto the chef's table
Series| Catalysts
A school made for homeless children
In partnership with Stand Together
Series| Catalysts
Racing out of homelessness