
Why happiness is not the best indicator of well-being
Achieving values and pursuing growth is the real secret to a fulfilled life.
Plant sensors could act as an early warning system for farmers
Using sensors made from carbon nanotubes, researchers discovered signals that help plants respond to stresses like heat, light, or attack.
CRISPR’d plant is resistant to the “cancer of rice”
California will begin backing intentional burns to control wildfire
Plants perform quantum mechanics feats that scientists can only do at ultra-cold temperatures
“Spooky” quantum biology might cause your DNA to mutate
Model human embryo, created from stem cells, survives past two weeks
How years of fighting every wildfire helped fuel the Western megafires of today
Record-breaking amount of Earth’s mantle drilled out of ocean floor
Sound waves can trigger torpor-like state in mice and rats
The first 10 minutes of sleep can unlock your creative potential
Graphene is a Nobel Prize-winning “wonder material.” Graphyne might replace it.