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The Evolution of the Online World

The internet is the most significant invention of the last 50 years. It has changed everything, from how we consume news to the devices we use, to how we work and play, and even how we find information in the first place. Join Freethink as we explore the ins and outs of our new digital worlds. In Terms of Service, we dive into the debate around screen time with Professor Peter Etchells, why the metaverse isn’t dead (yet) with Matthew Ball, bringing the next 1 billion software developers online with Replit CEO Amjad Masad, how the internet transformed news as told by The Onion, and more!

2.6 billion people don’t use the internet. What’s stopping them?
One-third of the world still isn’t online. Here’s how the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is working to close the digital divide.
How the internet changed news, according to The Onion
Freethink spoke to Onion staffers about parodying news from the print era into the digital age.
My anxious generation: The unforeseen toll of a digital childhood
In this op-ed, columnist Rikki Schlott draws from personal experience to argue that a digital childhood is a childhood squandered.

The internet is one of the biggest wealth creation engines ever known to human beings. It is the one thing that we can use to lower inequality globally [and] give people more access to wealth creation.

Amjad Masad, CEO of Replit
The next big tech trend will start out looking like a toy
In “Read, Write, Own: Building The Next Era of the Internet,” investor Chris Dixon explains why the biggest trends often go overlooked.
Replit CEO Amjad Masad on bringing the next 1 billion software creators online
Freethink spoke with Masad about the future of software development, the outsized power of Silicon Valley, and the absurdity of the AI extinction theory.
Potato chips or heroin? The debate on social media and mental health
Experts disagree on whether social media causes mental health issues in adolescents despite looking at the same data. Here’s why.
Meet Thresh, the world’s first professional gamer
Was Elon Musk any good at Quake? “He’s a legit gamer,” but…

A tiny six-inch screen redefined what it means to grow up, hit milestones, and pass time, so much so that this generation’s upbringing is entirely alien even to that of their parents.

Rikki Schlott, columnist
Perplexity, Google, and the battle for AI search supremacy
AIs that generate answers to user queries could transform search, but only if someone can get the tech and the business model right.
You’re thinking of the metaverse all wrong, says Matthew Ball
Rumors of the metaverse’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.
Hugo Mercier says we’ve been misinformed about misinformation
Cognitive scientist Hugo Mercier argues the problem isn’t that people are too gullible but too stubborn.
Constitutional warning shot for social media “deplatforming” laws
Can the government tell private websites what they have to publish?

Big trends start small; the biggest upheavals come from disruptive innovations, which, by definition, incumbents overlook.

Chris Dixon, entrepreneur and investor
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