
This is T-Minus, where we count down the biggest developments in space, from new rocket launches to discoveries that advance our understanding of the universe and our place in it. Humanity is reaching new heights in space exploration. Make sure you’re part of the journey.

A black screen with the word minusus on it.
T-Minus: NASA’s surprise asteroid, China’s reusable rocket, and more
Freethink’s weekly countdown of the biggest space news, featuring a surprising asteroid discovery, a new reusable rocket, and more.
T-Minus: Stranded space drugs, a new moon lander, and more
Freethink’s weekly countdown of the biggest space news, featuring a stranded space factory, Jeff Bezos’ new moon lander, and more.
T-Minus: SpaceX’s wild pace, a marsquake mystery solved, and more
Freethink’s weekly countdown of the biggest space news, featuring SpaceX’s launch problem, a marsquake mystery, and more.
T-Minus Weekly: Psyche launches, NASA unveils asteroid samples, and more
Freethink’s weekly countdown of the biggest space news, featuring the launch of the Psyche, the reveal of NASA’s asteroid samples, and more.